None of us likes the feeling of being uncertain. Our reactions can range from butterflies in the stomach to outright paralysis, where we are unable to move ourselves to action. Now imagine how difficult and scary it might be to face uncertainty with a developmental difficulty.
The truth is that uncertainty can be very productive and when we press through these times, it can can lead to incredible growth.
Within our programs, we use the idea of productive uncertainty to refer to the state:
"...where we experience a situation that produces some degree of anxiety due, but also where we experience significant potential opportunities for learning and discovery. Scientists have found that it is these productively uncertain situations that provide the best arena for the type of integrative, neurally collaborative brain development that is essential for Dynamic Intelligence.
When we experience productive uncertainty we have some anticipatory anxiety. However we also have a motivation to see what's going to happen next. We determine if something is PROductive or UNproductive only during the time itself. If I am in no hurry to leave the state, I voluntarily remain in the state of uncertainty. It's exciting to be at a crossroads and not be sure exactly which road to take."
We all must navigate this uncertainty every day in our dynamic lives. In the RDI programs, we train guides to build competence in this area.
For more:
Stimulating Thought Through Productive Uncertainty
Getting to Productive Uncertainty