The following was submitted by an RDI mom to 6-year old T and works with Certified Consultant, Carol Subramani.
We started RDI two years ago...when my son had already undergone two years of all kinds of intensive ABA therapies - speech included- plus going to regular school with a shadow teacher.
In the first meeting with our RDI Consultant, my son did not respond when she held out something to him and waited without saying “TAKE”!!!.... After two years of intensive ABA and schooling and home sessions, my son was not be able to understand this simple gesture which even a few months-old neuro typical baby understands easily!!!!!.....I was shocked and hurt!!!. I would never have realized how my child was not thinking dynamically if I had not met Carol, our RDI Consultant, that day.
But as we all know, late is better than never, my husband and I have chosen RDI . We have witnessed our son calm down, understand non-verbal communication, start thinking on his own, be less anxious, less confused and more clear about his surroundings. He has begun responding to not only us but to anyone and is ready to adapt to new environments; is communicating sensibly and not just with parrot-like speech.
I feel as if I've got my son back after he talks to me , shares his experiences with me, asks genuine questions because he is curious (and not the programmed ones which was all he had). I am happy that my son is truly getting "EDUCATED" day by day and not a TRAINED ROBOT any more. I am highly grateful and thankful to the RDI Family Consultation Program which has completely changed our lives,or rather, saved our lives. RDI has shown us REAL improvement and has given us REAL hope.

Carol Subramani is an RDI Program Certified Consultant based in Wadala, Mumbai. She has a background in communication, education and behavioural intervention for children with ASD. She is passionate about RDI and grateful for the opportunity to work with caring and nurturing parents on the road to remediation of their children’s autism.